How to See your Career as an Informed Experiment

6 min readMar 15, 2024

I often work with clients who worry that when deciding on a career direction, that is a final or permanent career choice. While I do believe one should feel intentional, confident, clear and informed with your career choices, keep in mind that your next step does not have to be the role or industry that you pursue for the rest of your career.

With every job search that you pursue, or any next role that you take, consider key concepts below to inform how you can approach it confidently and yet not rigidly.

Know yourself & learn from your past to inform your future

  1. Reflect on your past job experiences to think about what was aligned, what did not align, and what you want more of or less of in your next role.
  2. Consider this 3-part framework to guide your reflections: role (day to day style of the work), industry (ultimate mission or problem you were contributing towards), and environment (what did it look and feel like).
  3. Consider what specific, creative questions you can ask in a future interview to concretely assess whether you will find (or avoid) what you need to in your next role, team, or company.

Clarify your ideal next direction

  1. Learn deeply and reflect to clarify what your best next career step should be. The full process of career exploration will lead you to identify and gain confidence in which next role…




Waking you up to remember that you can and should find a job you love.