The Top 7 Activities You Need To Be Doing In Your Job Search

6 min readMar 15, 2024

It’s an unfortunate reality that we cannot rely on online job boards alone as a reliable, successful source to land a new role. If you’ve been applying online incessantly and not seeing results, let’s think about:

  • Are they the right fit roles for your background?
  • Do your materials represent your fit well?
  • Have you been networking effectively to break into the company after you apply?
  • Or most importantly, have you been devoting too much of your time to online applications?

So where else can you devote your time during your job search to efficiently land a fitting role?

Networking 50% ~ Online Applications 10% ~ Researching 10% ~ Events/Webinars 5% ~ Personal Branding 10% ~ Skill Development 5% ~ Reflection/Iteration 5% ~ Accountability, Mindset, and Self Care 5%

You want to think about all the ways that people can meet you (and thus understand your capabilities, value, fit, and potential), beyond just relying on being a resume in a digital pile of applications. Building your personal brand, participating in events, doing skill development activities, and directly networking with relevant professionals, are a few great ways to get your name out there.

Let’s dive in deeper to learn about what you should be doing in your job search, besides the online applications.‍

Networking (50%)




Waking you up to remember that you can and should find a job you love.